Infant & Children's Health
Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & CranioSacral Therapy.
(colic, asthma, constipation, diarrhea, restlessness, anxiety, ear aches, etc)
(colic, asthma, constipation, diarrhea, restlessness, anxiety, ear aches, etc)
AcupunctureAcupuncture/Acupressure & Herbal Medicine
CranioSacral TherapyCranioSacral Therapy Childhood conditions that treatments can support:
Pediatrics 12 & Under:
*kids 12 and over can be booked as an adult
Under 9 Months of Age
Initial Consultation (45minutes) $90.00
Follow Up Treatment (30 minutes) $ 65.00
Over 9 Months of Age
Initial Consultation (60 minutes) $110.00
Follow Up Treatment (45 minutes) $ 90.00
*kids 12 and over can be booked as an adult
Under 9 Months of Age
Initial Consultation (45minutes) $90.00
Follow Up Treatment (30 minutes) $ 65.00
Over 9 Months of Age
Initial Consultation (60 minutes) $110.00
Follow Up Treatment (45 minutes) $ 90.00